Aardvark: Davis Apuuli vs Greens Kamugisha

Tournament playedRoundDavis ApuuliGreens Kamugisha
131.03.2013 ECASA 2013, Nairobi Kenya (KEN)7370357
231.03.2013 ECASA 2013, Nairobi Kenya (KEN)15338401
306.04.2015 East, Central and Southern African Scrabble Championship (UGA)5225477
427.11.2016 Scrabble on the Nile (UGA)8378365
527.11.2016 Scrabble on the Nile (UGA)14366453
617.09.2017 The Sajeki International Scrabble Open (UGA)4442389
Head-to-head after 6 games33
Average score353.16407