; Ratings for 04.01.2015 8th UK Open

Main Standings Ratings Round-by-Round Statistics
PlayerWinsWorld rankNation rankRating points
AUSAlastair Richards20.820.01718 44 2095 -8 2087
NGAAzu Ogbogu17.218.0116110 2626 1898 +12 1910
ENGCalum Edwards18.115.0155199 2029 1858 -50 1808
USADaniel Milton13.714.0542535 6565 1410 +6 1416
ENGDavid Shenkin16.113.0497558 7582 1457 -63 1394
ENGDiane Pratesi15.216.0281266 4442 1718 +16 1734
ENGElie Dangoor13.619.0251164 4023 1756 +95 1851
ENGJack Durand14.416.0457428 7064 1508 +30 1538
NIRJayne MacKenzie11.714.0464423 55 1497 +46 1543
ENGJessica Pratesi18.017.0137158 1820 1871 -17 1854
AUSKaren Richards16.414.5342369 2834 1632 -38 1594
NGAMbeleokpo Aganaba3.1 2.010331043 5858 625 -23  602
ENGNatasha Pratesi6.711.0936893 134127 873 +85  958
SCOPaul Allan21.220.01619 11 2098 -13 2085
ENGPhil Kelly14.516.0422394 6361 1544 +29 1573
ENGRuth MacInerney13.616.0487455 7469 1466 +47 1513
NIRSarbjeet Kalsi14.013.5638 8 (1318)  1283
ENG*Scott Bowman11.912.0714 108   1187
ENGSteve Perry17.415.0259297 4245 1744 -49 1695
MLTTheresa Brousson20.418.04362 11 2011 -32 1979
GMBAbraham Sosseh21.418.0370437 33 1595 -69 1526
ENGAdrienne Berger13.320.0642540 9678 1277 +134 1411
IREBreda O'Brien10.411.0745737 1514 1144 +11 1155
ENG*Chris Davies11.912.0714 108   1185
MLTChristine Strawb19.914.0447555 78 1516 -118 1398
IREEileen Meghen12.7 8.5691759 1416 1211 -85 1126
ENGGeoff Cooper9.210.0808800 120120 1056 +16 1072
ENGIan Coventry21.619.0344393 5260 1627 -52 1575
ENGIan Kendall11.717.0710628 10696 1189 +106 1295
IREMaurice McParland20.813.5388517 68 1582 -147 1435
ENGPaul Cousins14.716.0618603 9492 1308 +24 1332
ENGSteve Balment7.617.0882735 128110 969 +188 1157
SCOSylvia Swaney10.811.0768765 1313 1116 +3 1119
SCOTom Wilson18.623.0483407 1110 1472 +87 1559
ENGBarbara Lukey16.516.0828837 121122 1028 -11 1017
DEUBrigitte Brath10.811.0984983 44 792 +2  794
ENGCaroline Elliott9.312.01010992 143140 721 +52  773
ENGDuncan Macfarlane11.711.0963974 136138 823 -15  808
ENGGeorgie Burchell16.211.0852925 123134 1006 -104  902
IREHannah Kingston16.517.5836825 1919 1019 +18 1037
ENGLynne Riley13.016.5929894 133128 886 +70  956
ENG*Malcolm Shaw13.814.0915 133    916
ENGMarlene Skinner19.522.0748706 112106 1144 +48 1192
IREMary Doyle17.917.0790801 1818 1089 -19 1070
ENGSyd Berger15.313.5867902 126130 981 -36  945
ENGTed Lewis21.518.5672721 98108 1237 -61 1176
Players marked with * were not previously rated.
Players marked with ^ have provisional ratings (under 30 games) and are not yet ranked.