; Ratings for 16.09.2012 All Ireland Championship

Main Standings Ratings Round-by-Round Statistics
PlayerWinsWorld rankNation rankRating points
IREAlex Gboye Balogun9.210.0289274 55 1697 +15 1712
IRE^ Anne Creaven3.7 8.0 ( 874)  (1110)
IREBreda O'Brien8.5 7.0602621 1011 1238 -30 1208
NIRCeline McCart7.7 9.0400370 33 1551 +25 1576
KENEd Miliano8.6 8.0564572 2727 1312 -14 1298
IRE*^ Eileen Farmer8.8 9.0   (1291)
IREEileen Meghen7.9 6.0595618 910 1250 -38 1212
IREFeargal Weatherhead11.112.0153141 32 1863 +14 1877
IRE*^ Fergus Williams4.3 4.0   ( 344)
IRE*^ Finbarr Long7.1 7.0   (1200)
IRE*^ Fiona James4.5 4.0   ( 617)
IRE*^ Geraldine Karstel4.6 4.0   ( 407)
IRE*^ James Blackburn5.4 5.0   ( 473)
IRE*^ Jennie Frizelle5.9 6.0   ( 901)
IRE*^ John Bokari7.7 8.0   (1365)
NIRJohn McCart5.0 7.0731707 66 1035 +39 1074
IREJohn Cunningham-Ryan6.7 8.0680662 1212 1127 +25 1152
IREJohn Winick6.1 6.0771 16 ( 961)   957
IRE*^ Kathleen O'Shea3.7 2.0   ( 300)
IREKay McColgan11.310.0148166 23 1868 -22 1846
IRELiam Donnelly8.1 7.0522539 88 1378 -23 1355
IRE*^ Mark James5.2 5.0   ( 775)
IREMary Doyle6.1 6.0692695 1414 1108 -4 1104
IREMary Morgan5.7 5.0720731 1515 1051 -16 1035
NIRNuala O'Rourke7.3 9.0440419 44 1497 +33 1530
IREPauline Russell11.2 7.0462 7 (1577)  1467
IREPauline Weatherhead4.5 9.0679614 119 1128 +90 1218
IRE^ Phyllis Lambe6.1 6.0 (1002)  ( 991)
IRE*^ Rita Hennessy7.7 8.0   (1286)
IRERonan Webb10.5 7.0332386 66 1636 -71 1565
IRETheresa Scallan6.4 9.0521488 77 1378 +50 1428
IRE*^ Veronica O'Loughlin5.9 6.0   ( 879)
Players marked with * were not previously rated.
Players marked with ^ have provisional ratings (under 30 games) and are not yet ranked.