; Ratings for 06.01.2013 UK Open Warmup

Main Standings Ratings Round-by-Round Statistics
PlayerWinsWorld rankNation rankRating points
AUSAlastair Richards25.624.51718 44 2104 -12 2092
USABenjamin Withers19.618.0149180 3133 1864 -32 1832
ENGBob Violett19.420.0232219 2926 1773 +13 1786
USADaniel Milton14.613.0492514 6061 1383 -37 1346
ENGDavid Shenkin23.216.0332 46 (1806)  1611
ENGDiane Pratesi17.120.0315268 4236 1639 +71 1710
ENGIan Coventry18.620.0333320 4743 1601 +32 1633
ENGJessica Pratesi16.219.0404349 5549 1519 +65 1584
ENGJill Parker11.516.0579524 7870 1221 +102 1323
ENGLen Moir16.715.0447475 5961 1456 -43 1413
ENGLinda Moir1.6 2.0822 108 ( 565)   654
NZLNigel Richards30.930.011 11 2283 -9 2274
ENGPhil Robertshaw23.824.04948 66 2008 +1 2009
POLRafal Dominiczak15.822.0358264 21 1571 +146 1717
SCORay Tate20.221.0336327 88 1599 +18 1617
USARobert Linn20.819.0203235 3740 1805 -44 1761
USASteve Polatnick22.720.586120 1527 1932 -42 1890
ENGWayne Kelly23.322.091112 1219 1922 -27 1895
ENGAdrienne Berger25.531.0553477 7262 1277 +133 1410
ENGBarbara Lukey17.214.0653691 8490 1116 -78 1038
DEUBrigitte Brath7.114.0828798 44 594 +150  744
ENGCaroline Elliott8.8 7.5791799 104106 776 -32  744
IREEileen Meghen24.024.0537538 1010 1301 +1 1302
ENGGeoff Cooper19.417.0610648 8084 1181 -58 1123
ENGGeorgie Burchell17.819.0668657 8885 1075 +28 1103
ENGIan Kendall20.219.0603617 7980 1190 -28 1162
ENGJayne MacKenzie27.826.0433458 5758 1473 -42 1431
ENGKenneth Lovell9.811.0788779 102101 785 +26  811
WAL*Linda Vickers23.924.0537 5   1306
ENGMarlene Skinner20.117.0641 83 (1217)  1134
WALMary Allen18.318.5656655 55 1105 +5 1110
ENGRuth MacInerney25.826.0500497 6665 1364 +7 1371
ENGSteve Balment12.615.5743 95 ( 868)   941
NLDSuzanne Dundas24.219.0493559 22 1383 -121 1262
ENGSyd Berger12.517.0769738 9894 845 +103  948
SCOSylvia Swaney19.316.5609653 1414 1183 -67 1116
ENGTed Lewis18.721.0662634 8681 1088 +55 1143
SCOTom Wilson28.023.0405482 1010 1519 -114 1405
Players marked with * were not previously rated.
Players marked with ^ have provisional ratings (under 30 games) and are not yet ranked.