; Ratings for 16.08.2010 World Players Championship

Main Standings Ratings Round-by-Round Statistics
PlayerWinsWorld rankNation rankRating points
USABob Lipton19.519.07985 1012 1954 -9 1945
USA*Bradley Robbins10.210.0397 27   1494
USABrian Bowman18.719.0103102 1314 1924 +4 1928
USAChris Cree15.719.0196155 2117 1804 +53 1857
AUSChris May21.824.0169 32 2087 +22 2109
NGA*Ebikeme Adowei8.7 8.0450 49   1387
AREEric Kinderman9.611.0389372 98 1512 +26 1538
ENGFidelis Olotu10.916.5347277 4339 1582 +111 1693
USAGeoff Thevenot20.820.04851 56 2014 -8 2006
USAJames Kramer21.319.05366 77 2007 -33 1974
USAJean McArthur11.611.0367374 2726 1550 -13 1537
USA*Judy Newhouse7.8 7.0466 28   1345
JPNKunihiko Kuroda5.8 3.5520542 11 1231 -47 1184
USAMark Kenas19.619.08293 1213 1950 -10 1940
USAMarty Gabriel16.920.0153116 1515 1857 +49 1906
USANathan Benedict20.023.05236 64 2008 +30 2038
CANNick Ball21.019.05060 56 2011 -26 1985
NZLNigel Richards25.124.511 11 2252 -6 2246
THAPakorn Nemitrmansuk23.924.022 11 2210 +1 2211
ENGPhil Nelkon18.421.010978 1812 1915 +41 1956
USAPuneet Sharma11.112.0352333 2623 1575 +17 1592
USARobert Linn16.323.016081 1710 1845 +107 1952
USASam Kantimathi16.916.0188200 1921 1816 -16 1800
USASteve Polatnick17.718.0131129 1416 1879 +5 1884
USAStu Goldman13.710.0314355 2425 1646 -75 1571
USATapani Lindgren14.1 5.5312416 2327 1647 -173 1474
THAThavachai Tivava13.910.0307353 3036 1651 -79 1572
USATravis Chaney17.416.0165191 1819 1835 -24 1811
Players marked with * were not previously rated.
Players marked with ^ have provisional ratings (under 30 games) and are not yet ranked.