; Ratings for 04.08.2019 Indonesian Open

Main Standings Ratings Round-by-Round Statistics
PlayerWinsWorld rankNation rankRating points
IDNAditya Putra Difa8.6 7.0796848 1112 1254 -32 1222
IDNChristian Oktavius8.610.0437408 21 1555 +26 1581
IDNHyendi Gumilang9.0 6.0827 11 (1344)  1236
IDNJulius Wilson9.211.0521479 44 1482 +34 1516
AUSKaren Richards10.910.5450456 4242 1546 -9 1537
IDNKumaila Hakimah6.3 6.0963967 1515 1145 -7 1138
PHLLeonora Labog13.8 8.0217353 45 1743 -116 1627
SGPMarlon Prudencio10.915.514084 73 1814 +72 1886
SGPRicky Purnomo13.011.0103125 56 1863 -32 1831
IDNSunardi X5.5 9.0787 10 (1161)  1266
SGPToh Weibin13.113.05356 11 1942 -3 1939
MYSYeo Kian Hung10.212.0264217 76 1708 +35 1743
IDN*^ Andi Wonosobo10.410.5   ( 842)
IDN*^ Bobby Gersom8.9 9.0   ( 568)
IDN*^ Christine Wang11.111.0   ( 680)
IDN*^ Christopher Indigo8.0 8.0   ( 450)
INDCollin Pereira5.310.016311568 117105 571 +93  664
IDN*^ Dani Syahrobi11.912.0   (1155)
IDN*^ Devin Surya5.6 3.0   ( 300)
IDN*^ Diah Rini Melati9.0 9.0   ( 667)
IDN*^ Fransiskus Purba7.4 7.5   ( 463)
IDNHarryadi Hermanto9.215.01005831 1611 1116 +116 1232
IDN*^ M. Afif Akbar10.010.0   ( 787)
IDNMuhd Fari Husada8.711.01422 32 ( 713)   801
IDN*^ Muhtar Amin11.411.5   (1049)
IDN*^ Nadiyah Assegaf2.3 0.3   ( 300)
IDN*^ Nathania Tamba9.1 9.0   ( 529)
IDN*^ Pungky Prananda12.813.0   (1283)
IDNRifqi Saputra14.211.09131014 1416 1178 -65 1113
IDN*^ Sandi Nuansa11.912.0   (1093)
IDN*^ Siti Kholilah3.5 3.5   ( 445)
IDN*^ Sutra Ramadhon6.2 6.0   ( 300)
IDN*^ Yonathan Wijaya5.0 3.0   ( 300)
Players marked with * were not previously rated.
Players marked with ^ have provisional ratings (under 30 games) and are not yet ranked.