; Ratings for 08.01.2017 UK Open

Main Standings Ratings Round-by-Round Statistics
PlayerWinsWorld rankNation rankRating points
ENGAdrienne Berger16.311.5413516 5873 1523 -97 1426
ENG*Ahmed Khan14.114.0527 74   1417
SCOAmy Byrne11.216.0456347 1110 1487 +95 1582
ENGAndrew Eames12.314.5517474 7667 1427 +44 1471
ENGAustin Shin20.123.03721 76 2018 +28 2046
ENGBob Violett17.916.5220241 3334 1721 -30 1691
MLTCecil Muscat16.715.5369398 44 1561 -24 1537
USADaniel Milton13.513.0541546 6969 1406 -12 1394
ENGDavid Shenkin9.813.0682611 9889 1270 +64 1334
ENGElie Dangoor18.817.0142163 1922 1807 -35 1772
ENGEsther Kasket6.511.0930821 136122 1042 +90 1132
SCOJames Squires18.717.0187227 66 1751 -34 1717
AUSKaren Richards13.016.0448375 5037 1498 +58 1556
ENGKevin Synnott15.310.0475571 7084 1475 -108 1367
ENGLen Moir12.1 6.5641757 92109 1308 -114 1194
NZLNigel Richards24.624.011 11 2227 -7 2220
NIRNuala O'Rourke16.611.5385496 56 1547 -103 1444
ENGPaul Burton18.314.5296381 4653 1630 -78 1552
AUSPaul Richards AUS13.415.0506475 5651 1440 +30 1470
ENGPhil Kelly14.813.0476507 7171 1473 -36 1437
POLRafal Dominiczak17.918.0190188 11 1745 +1 1746
ENGRick Blakeway13.515.0432401 6057 1508 +28 1536
ENGRuth MacInerney11.314.0644578 9485 1307 +53 1360
ENGSteve Perry16.816.5203210 2930 1734 -6 1728
PAKTariq Pervez14.114.0397400 66 1538 -2 1536
NGATemu Oluku9.612.0676 37 (1228)  1277
ENGVincent Boyle16.318.0150130 2118 1791 +29 1820
ENGWayne Kelly19.920.06464 99 1941 0 1941
ENGAndy Becher19.715.0462553 6780 1482 -95 1387
IREEileen Meghen14.417.0678618 1311 1272 +51 1323
ENGGeoff Cooper9.912.0871817 127120 1094 +41 1135
ENGGinny Dixon9.315.0915787 135114 1057 +113 1170
ENGGraham Bonham18.318.0530534 7776 1416 -8 1408
ENGIan Coventry20.218.0436481 6168 1505 -44 1461
ENGJanet Bonham11.5 5.0792942 116138 1165 -132 1033
ENGJill Parker13.615.0703686 10299 1241 +27 1268
SCOJim Wilkie14.619.0691592 1413 1262 +88 1350
MLEKadda Mohamed11.212.0811800 11 1142 +15 1157
ENGNicky Huitson16.014.0607660 8796 1337 -42 1295
ENGPaul Cousins17.219.0570535 8577 1374 +34 1408
ENGSteve Balment14.816.0672651 9795 1277 +23 1300
NLDSuzanne Dundas16.315.0605632 22 1338 -27 1311
SCOTom Wilson14.716.0679657 1314 1272 +26 1298
ENGVictoria Kingham19.114.0499597 7387 1448 -103 1345
ENG*Alison Holmes7.9 8.01235 174    663
ENGAngie Brodie12.211.511111119 160161 867 -16  851
ENGAnn Golding20.521.0746734 108106 1208 +9 1217
AUSArnold Appelhof19.115.0803904 124154 1152 -83 1069
DEUBrigitte Brath15.818.0972919 22 1009 +43 1052
ENGCaroline Elliott10.0 6.011801222 167171 770 -81  689
ENGCaroline McLaughlin15.023.01010819 147121 975 +160 1135
IREHannah Kingston14.714.510161020 2323 969 -6  963
HKGLau Kwun Shing7.011.012551217 1914 619 +78  697
ENGMarlene Skinner16.515.0938975 138143 1035 -30 1005
IREMary Doyle18.618.0829845 1718 1123 -12 1111
ENGPeter Thorpe17.520.0895830 130124 1077 +48 1125
ENGStany Arnold15.512.09741047 143154 1006 -70  936
ENGSumbul Siddiqui12.912.510881092 158159 894 -8  886
ENGSyd Berger17.217.5907903 134135 1064 +5 1069
ENGTed Lewis19.117.0808861 120129 1146 -42 1104
Players marked with * were not previously rated.
Players marked with ^ have provisional ratings (under 30 games) and are not yet ranked.