; Ratings for 20.04.2019 Easter Matchplay Warm Up

Main Standings Ratings Round-by-Round Statistics
PlayerWinsWorld rankNation rankRating points
ENGAnne Ashmore4.3 4.0501508 6362 1492 -8 1484
ENGChris Harrison3.9 4.0531529 6563 1466 +1 1467
ENGChristine Cooper4.9 0.0484600 6272 1509 -99 1410
ENGGraham Harding4.8 5.0476471 6160 1513 +2 1515
ENGJohn Ashmore5.7 6.0346344 4241 1630 +5 1635
ENGMick Healy4.1 5.0664633 8378 1361 +18 1379
ENGNicky Huitson2.9 3.0744743 9594 1292 0 1292
ISRPaloma Raychbart5.4 7.0401358 22 1586 +30 1616
ENGPeter Thomas4.7 4.0521535 6464 1474 -15 1459
ENGPhil Robertshaw8.1 6.02641 45 2006 -31 1975
ENGRuth MacInerney3.5 6.0701637 8980 1328 +48 1376
ENGSteve Perry5.4 5.0331341 3739 1646 -9 1637
ENGVictoria Kingham4.2 6.0466436 5954 1518 +35 1553
ENGWayne Kelly7.4 9.08468 88 1894 +24 1918
ENGAlison Sadler4.3 6.5821759 10899 1232 +43 1275
ENGAnn Golding5.0 1.5727820 93109 1305 -71 1234
ENGCaroline McLaughlin4.6 4.0750760 96100 1288 -14 1274
ENGDavid Shenkin4.6 5.0766752 10095 1272 +6 1278
ENGGinny Dixon3.6 7.0899808 114107 1176 +66 1242
ENGGraham Buckingham3.9 4.0903899 115114 1175 +2 1177
ENG*^ Helen Harding7.1 7.0   (1554)
ENGIan Nichol5.7 5.0622636 7779 1391 -14 1377
ENGLorraine Crouch6.0 5.0587610 7075 1424 -20 1404
ENGSteve Balment4.9 5.0711710 9090 1314 +1 1315
ENGAlan Males6.7 5.5886921 112117 1185 -24 1161
ENGBarbara Morris4.6 7.012131160 152147 956 +46 1002
ENG*^ Barry French3.8 4.0   ( 848)
ENGChris Bluett4.1 3.013171344 165168 864 -23  841
ENGDuncan Macfarlane3.2 2.014241444 171171 762 -25  737
ENGEllie Mackin5.5 4.010881139 135144 1043 -30 1013
ENGJack Mitchell4.8 7.011881127 151141 978 +42 1020
ENGMarlene Skinner4.8 6.012171190 155153 954 +23  977
ENGPeter Thorpe5.7 4.010501104 134136 1069 -35 1034
ENGStany Arnold5.9 7.51027980 132124 1084 +30 1114
Players marked with * were not previously rated.
Players marked with ^ have provisional ratings (under 30 games) and are not yet ranked.