; Ratings for 29.01.2017 Northern Ireland Championship

Main Standings Ratings Round-by-Round Statistics
PlayerWinsWorld rankNation rankRating points
ENGAlison Holmes2.2 4.012361219 176171 663 +34  697
SCOAllan Simmons12.110.0610 11 2121 -21 2100
SCOAmy Byrne7.0 7.0350352 1010 1582 -1 1581
ENGAndrei Russell-G5.4 9.0352 50 (1440)  1582
NIR*^ Anne Wilkins4.6 4.0   ( 953)
IREBreda O'Brien7.8 5.0679733 1416 1275 -57 1218
ENGBrett Smitheram11.113.033 11 2171 +18 2189
MLTCecil Muscat8.0 6.0395452 45 1537 -41 1496
NIRCeline McCart6.9 9.0372326 44 1559 +41 1600
ENGChris Vicary10.0 6.0104150 1419 1859 -66 1793
ENGDave Hoskisson3.2 7.0747675 10999 1206 +75 1281
ENG^ Derek Sergeant7.1 8.0 (1325)  (1363)
IREEileen Meghen6.4 7.0620613 1212 1323 +12 1335
ENGElisabeth Jardine8.1 6.0455493 6369 1493 -42 1451
ENGJames Burley8.8 8.0386402 5457 1546 -16 1530
IREJoseph McGinley11.7 6.0186286 45 1755 -116 1639
IREKevin McMahon9.911.02824 11 2032 +10 2042
ENGKevin Synnott6.4 9.0575529 8575 1367 +51 1418
IRELiam Donnelly6.1 6.0480481 99 1464 -3 1461
IRELukeman Owolabi9.111.06453 22 1940 +30 1970
ENG^ Mark Murray11.4 9.0 (1832)  (1675)
IREMary Doyle6.0 5.0852883 1921 1111 -20 1091
IREMary Morgan3.8 7.0871795 2118 1099 +64 1163
ENGNicky Huitson3.810.0662528 9774 1295 +123 1418
NIRNuala O'Rourke7.0 7.0498498 66 1444 -1 1443
ENGPeter Thorpe5.2 4.0834868 126131 1125 -24 1101
NIR*^ Rhoda Gray5.1 5.0   (1035)
NIRRik Kennedy8.7 9.0128123 33 1826 +4 1830
NIRSarah-Jane Holden6.4 8.0640608 99 1311 +30 1341
ENGSteve Perry9.8 9.0215231 3033 1728 -16 1712
NIRStewart Holden9.8 8.07589 22 1915 -30 1885
IRETheresa Scallan6.7 6.0497514 1010 1448 -16 1432
ENGVincent Boyle9.9 8.0132156 1820 1820 -34 1786
NIR*^ Will Morgan8.1 8.0   (1492)
Players marked with * were not previously rated.
Players marked with ^ have provisional ratings (under 30 games) and are not yet ranked.