; Ratings for 12.07.2015 NSW Winter Challenge

Main Standings Ratings Round-by-Round Statistics
PlayerWinsWorld rankNation rankRating points
AUS*^ Al Thawer7.0 7.0   ( 732)
AUSAnne Schick10.010.0660662 9395 1240 -1 1239
AUSBeth Goodwin4.1 3.01137 181 ( 300)   300
AUSBetty Foreman5.810.0915845 144137 930 +83 1013
AUSCheryl Michler10.011.0669654 10093 1228 +19 1247
AUSDonna MacDonald12.3 8.5643 89 (1363)  1258
AUS*^ Dorothy Fields7.0 7.0   ( 699)
AUS*^ Frances De Lange7.4 7.5   ( 835)
AUSJanine Whittaker9.410.0697689 105104 1193 +10 1203
AUS*^ Jenny Templeton5.2 5.0   ( 466)
AUS*^ Karmel Patterson6.1 6.0   ( 580)
AUSLa'Reine Lang6.8 6.5978981 156157 826 -7  819
AUSLexie Neale9.3 9.0732738 109110 1157 -6 1151
AUS*^ Liana Aho4.2 0.8   ( 300)
AUSLiz Jackman9.1 7.0932959 147153 903 -43  860
AUSMargaret Berliner10.4 8.0662709 94106 1235 -50 1185
AUSMarion Miller7.210.5781 123 (1016)  1099
AUS*^ Matthew Sparks4.4 4.0   ( 339)
AUS*^ Monica Dwyer6.9 7.0   ( 995)
AUSNatalie Tadday10.1 8.0747779 112122 1142 -43 1099
AUS*^ Nathan Seeto6.9 7.0   ( 773)
AUSPam Bennett6.1 8.0958934 153147 862 +38  900
AUSPat Schuberg9.011.0680647 10290 1215 +39 1254
AUSRadheya Jegatheva6.9 8.0967 154 ( 820)   846
AUSRahul Jegatheva5.6 7.01041 171 ( 619)   654
LKARansi Weerasooriya10.610.0604618 88 1310 -13 1297
AUSRene Chelton10.9 9.0574598 7276 1365 -40 1325
AUS*^ Sam Greenberg7.8 8.0   (1023)
AUSSandra Elliott5.9 8.0908 144 ( 890)   941
AUSSharon Sorensen9.510.0770763 119116 1108 +9 1117
AUSSunny Wright6.1 9.0867815 138132 994 +57 1051
Players marked with * were not previously rated.
Players marked with ^ have provisional ratings (under 30 games) and are not yet ranked.