; Ratings for 20.11.2016 Winter Matchplay

Main Standings Ratings Round-by-Round Statistics
PlayerWinsWorld rankNation rankRating points
ENGAndrew Eames6.3 6.0480487 7677 1434 -7 1427
ENGAnne Ashmore6.5 6.0398410 6161 1514 -10 1504
ENGAustin Shin11.511.02530 66 2033 -6 2027
ENGBob Lynn8.8 6.0250296 3846 1672 -56 1616
MLTCecil Muscat7.3 7.0341350 44 1568 -7 1561
ENGChris Vicary11.010.094100 1414 1875 -16 1859
ENGColin Northmore8.8 7.0254282 4044 1669 -36 1633
ENGEd Rossiter8.511.0163126 2217 1776 +45 1821
ENGElie Dangoor9.5 9.0131144 1821 1815 -8 1807
ENGElisabeth Jardine7.3 5.0375422 5764 1541 -48 1493
ENGHarshan Lamabad11.510.03439 77 2017 -15 2002
ENGJohn Ashmore8.410.0236224 3534 1688 +31 1719
ENG*^ Karen Willis3.2 3.0   (1222)
ENGKevin Synnott6.2 6.0438444 7271 1480 -5 1475
ENGLewis Mackay12.513.044 22 2139 +4 2143
ENGMatthew Pinner8.0 5.0324383 5157 1589 -60 1529
ENGNatalie Zolty8.510.0191167 2824 1744 +29 1773
ENGPaul Coyle7.0 7.0312311 4847 1600 -1 1599
ENGPhil Kelly5.6 8.0489445 7772 1426 +47 1473
ENGPhil Robertshaw12.010.03644 88 2015 -24 1991
ENGRachel Bingham8.5 7.0304335 4751 1607 -30 1577
POLRafal Dominiczak8.3 9.0207193 11 1732 +13 1745
NIRRik Kennedy7.811.0166123 33 1770 +56 1826
ENGStephen Hunt5.0 7.0223185 3229 1716 +38 1754
ENGSteve Perry6.910.0229172 3326 1706 +60 1766
ENGVictoria Kingham6.6 5.0437466 7174 1481 -33 1448
ENGVincent Boyle8.811.0186153 2722 1747 +44 1791
ENGWayne Kelly10.112.07360 119 1912 +29 1941
ENGAnn Golding8.5 7.0665703 100104 1239 -31 1208
ENGBarbara Morris5.6 5.0884897 137139 1033 -14 1019
ENGDamian O'Malley9.1 8.0663 101 (1278)  1242
ENGDavid Shenkin9.3 7.0622656 97100 1296 -47 1249
ENGEsther Kasket5.6 6.0879873 136135 1036 +6 1042
ENG*^ Graham Maker7.9 8.0   (1194)
ENGJake Berliner7.5 5.0734783 109121 1175 -52 1123
ENG*^ John Matthews12.112.0   (1504)
ENGMargaret Staunton7.911.0711651 10699 1198 +61 1259
ENG*^ Martin Leverton7.9 8.0   (1194)
ENGMoira Conway11.311.0475481 7576 1441 -7 1434
ENGNicky Huitson9.512.0614556 9687 1301 +49 1350
ENGPaul Thomson7.0 9.0774738 120111 1133 +39 1172
USAPeter Dolgenos10.4 7.0644 75 (1371)  1271
ENGReeyaaz Goolamhossen8.3 7.0680711 103106 1227 -27 1200
ENGStephen Wintle7.810.0664 101 (1185)  1241
ENG*^ Stewart Brodie10.110.0   (1351)
ENGTed Lewis6.610.0813745 124114 1099 +68 1167
ENGAdrian Noller6.2 6.011421147 170170 700 -5  695
ENGCaroline Elliott6.7 8.011161102 167166 752 +24  776
ENGChristine Cartman7.9 9.010591046 164162 840 +22  862
ENGDan Smith10.4 6.01111 168 ( 953)   772
ENG*^ Jo Holland5.8 6.0   ( 639)
ENGMalcolm Davis12.3 8.0929 146 (1175)   990
ENG*^ Mavis Ernest1.2 1.0   ( 325)
ENGMel Maltz8.212.01045984 161155 859 +75  934
ENGNicola Staunton8.310.01021990 157156 895 +33  928
ENGPaul Cartman9.5 9.0971981 151154 946 -11  935
ENG*^ Peter Ernest5.0 5.0   ( 901)
ENGPhilippa Morris8.0 8.011041105 166167 776 -1  775
ENGRose Kingdom9.011.0982944 154146 934 +40  974
ENGSheila Anderson7.1 7.011211124 168168 740 -3  737
ENGStany Arnold10.213.0961913 148144 952 +54 1006
ENGTricia Walker5.5 3.01206 175 ( 641)   546
Players marked with * were not previously rated.
Players marked with ^ have provisional ratings (under 30 games) and are not yet ranked.